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Focal Point COVID-19 Safety Plan

Statement of Purpose

Focal Point Photography Inc. is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all staff, managers, and customers (the “Members”). A combination of measures will be used to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in our workplace as we resume the “new normal” level of operations.  Our Safety Plan will protect not only our own Members, but also others with whom we do business. All Members must follow the procedures outlined in this plan to prevent or reduce exposure to COVID-19.



Development of the Safety Plan

Focal Point Photography Inc. has developed this plan based on guidance published by the Provincial Health Officer (“PHO”), the BC Centre for Disease Control (“BCCDC”) and WorkSafeBC’s “ Protocols for returning to operation” and input from Members. 

This is a living document and will be reviewed and revised as needed. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our processes please provide your suggestion by contacting us directly.



Health Hazards of COVID-19


What is COVID-19?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses found mostly in animals. In humans, they can cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The disease caused by the new coronavirus has been named COVID-19.


While many of the characteristics of COVID-19 are still unknown, mild to severe illness has been reported for confirmed cases.



The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to other respiratory illnesses including the flu and common cold. They include:  fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite. Other symptoms have been reported such as skin rash and gastrointestinal symptoms.



Three primary routes of transmission are considered likely with COVID-19, all of which need to be controlled. These include contact, droplet, and droplet transmission in the air after a cough or sneeze.


Contact transmission, both direct and indirect

Direct contact involves skin-to-skin contact, for example: shaking hands, hugging, helping with personal hygiene, etc.


Indirect contact involves a worker touching a contaminated intermediate object such as a table, doorknob, telephone, or computer keyboard, and then touching the eyes, nose, or mouth. Contact transmission is important to consider because COVID-19 viruses may persist for minutes on hands and potentially hours on surfaces.


Droplet transmission

Large droplets may be generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes.  Droplets travel a short distance (one to two metres) through the air and can be deposited on inanimate surfaces or in the eyes, nose, or mouth of other persons in close proximity.


Airborne transmission

Airborne (inhalable) particles can be generated from coughs and sneezes.


Coughs and sneezes produce both large droplets and smaller airborne particles. The smaller particles remain suspended in air for longer periods and can be inhaled. The large droplets can also evaporate quickly to form additional inhalable particles. As the distance from the person coughing or sneezing increases, the risk of infection from airborne exposure is reduced; but it can still be a concern in smaller, enclosed areas, especially where there is limited ventilation. As the number of infected people in a room increases, the risk of infection can increase.



Reducing the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission: Hierarchy of Controls

To reduce the risk of the COVID-19 spreading through droplets in the air, it is necessary to implement protocols to protect against the identified risks. Different protocols offer different levels of protection. Wherever possible, the protocol that offers the highest level of protection should be used. Second, third, or fourth level protocols are considered if the first level isn’t practicable.  In some cases more than one level of protection may be needed to deal with a risk — for example, physical distancing and masks.  WorkSafeBC has described the following examples of the “hierarchy of controls”:

First level protection (elimination)

Elimination involves removing the risk of exposure entirely from the workplace.  For example, policies and procedures can be implemented to limit the number of people in the workplace at any one time and to keep workers at least 2 metres (6 feet) from co-workers, clients and others.

Second level protection (engineering controls)

Engineering controls involve making physical changes in the workplace.  For example, if you can’t always maintain physical distancing, barriers such as plexiglass can be installed to separate people.

Third level protection (administrative controls)

Administrative controls involve altering work practices to minimize the risk of exposure.  For example, rules and guidelines may be established such as cleaning protocols, telling workers to not share tools, or implementing one-way doors or walkways.

Fourth level protection (PPE)

If the first three levels of protection aren’t enough to control the risks, workers and clients may use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks. PPE should not be used as the only control measure. It should only be used in combination with other measures.



Responsibilities of Workplace Parties

Employer responsibilities


Focal Point Photography will:​


  • Ensure that the materials (for example, masks, alcohol-based hand rubs, and washing facilities) and other resources (for example, worker training materials) required to implement and maintain the plan are readily available where and when they are required.

  • Select, implement, and document the appropriate site-specific control measures.

  • Ensure that Members are educated and trained to an acceptable level of competency.

  • Ensure that Members use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) — for example, masks if required.

  • Conduct a periodic review of the plan’s effectiveness. This includes a review of the available control technologies to ensure that these are selected and used when practical.

  • Maintain records of training and inspections.

  • Ensure that a copy of this Safety Plan is available to Members.


Owner responsibilities


Our owners will:


  • Ensure that Members are adequately instructed on the controls for the hazards at the location.

  • Ensure that Members use personal protective equipment as required.

  • Direct work in a manner that eliminates or minimizes the risk to Members.

Member responsibilities


Members will:


  • Know the hazards of the workplace.

  • Follow established work procedures as directed by the employer or owner.

  • Use any required PPE as instructed.

  • Report any unsafe conditions or acts to the owners.

  • Know how and when to report exposure incidents.

Safety Protocols


The following safety protocols are organized into:


  1. General safety protocols;

  2. Activity-related safety protocols that are specific to our workplace and are intended to ensure the safety of all Members by minimizing the risk of COVID-19 transmission as they carry out their routine daily activities.

General Safety Protocol

Hand washing

Hand washing is one of the best ways to minimize the risk of infection. Proper hand washing helps prevent the transfer of infectious material from the hands to other parts of the body — particularly the eyes, nose, and mouth — or to other surfaces that are touched.


Wash your hands immediately:


  • Before leaving a work area

  • After handling materials that may be contaminated

  • Before eating, drinking, smoking, handling contact lenses, or applying makeup


Hand washing procedure:


Use soap and warm running water. (It doesn’t have to be hot to do the job.) If water is unavailable, use a waterless hand cleanser that has at least 60% alcohol. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use the cleanser.


Cough/sneeze etiquette

Members are expected to follow cough/sneeze etiquette, which is a combination of measures that minimizes the transmission of diseases via droplet or airborne routes.


Cough/sneeze etiquette includes the following components:


  • Cover your mouth and nose with a sleeve or tissue when coughing or sneezing.

  • Use tissues to contain secretions, and dispose of them promptly in a waste container.

  • Turn your head away from others when coughing or sneezing.

  • Wash hands regularly.

Physical distancing

Together, we can slow the spread of COVID-19 by making a conscious effort to keep a physical distance between each other.  Social distancing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of illness during an outbreak.

To appropriately meet social distance requirements, Members should keep a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) from others, as much as possible.


Other physical distancing measures that should also be followed include:


  • Avoiding crowded places and cancel gatherings (e.g., in-person meetings, assemblies and sports events).

  • Avoiding common greetings, such as handshakes.

  • Limiting contact with people at higher risk (e.g. older adults and those in poor health).

  • No sharing of foods or drinks


Additional physical distancing protocols are outlined below under the heading “Firm Specific Safety Protocols”.

Use of cloth masks

A mask is a protective barrier that is worn on the face, covers at least the nose and mouth, and is used to contain large droplets generated during coughing and sneezing by the person using the mask. Masks help minimize the spread of potentially infected material from the wearer to other people.


A mask is REQUIRED while the Member is working. A set of reusable cloth masks will be provided for Members or Members may choose to wear their own cloth masks if they wish.

What to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms

a. Developing Symptoms

If a Member develops symptoms of COVID-19 recognized by the BC Centre of Disease Control while at the office, they must immediately don a mask, notify the Owners and return home.


If a Member develops symptoms after having been at work, they must immediately notify the Owners and remain at home.


The Owners will interview the Member to determine what interactions, if any, they may have had with others in the workplace, where in the workplace they had been working and what workplace items, tools or equipment they used or had contact with when at work (e.g. door handles, computers, office phones, photography equipment, etc.). The Member will be advised that those employees will be told they may have been exposed, but the name of the Member will not be disclosed unless absolutely necessary.


If applicable, the Owners will notify those other employees identified by the reporting  Member that they may have had an exposure to COVID-19 and that they should contact 8-1-1 for medical advice. The reporting Member will be advised when these conversations have taken place and will be told what information was provided. Disclosures should be minimized to information necessary to address risk.

The Firm will ensure that the reporting employee’s workspace, other places in the workplace they may have attended, and any other workplace items, tools or equipment they used or had contact with when at work are promptly cleaned and disinfected.

b. Contacting Public Health for Testing

Members who develop symptoms of COVID-19 recognized by the BC Center for Disease Control must immediately contact public health or their physician for advice on being tested.


If advised to submit to a test, Members must do so and report their situation to the Owners.

c. Self-Isolation at Home

If the Member is tested, they must self-isolate at home until the results of the test are known. The member, may, if they feel well, continue any work from home activities that they are able and willing to complete. If the test results come back negative, the Member must seek medical advice on when they may return to work.


If a test is either not available or not recommended, the Member must self-isolate at home for a minimum of 10 days from the onset of symptoms, and until their symptoms are completely resolved (i.e. it may be longer than the minimum 10 days).  Self-isolating individuals should call public health (8-1-1) or their personal physician for medical advice and for advice on when they are fit to safely return to work.


Members who live in the same household as a person with confirmed or clinical COVID-19 symptoms who is self-isolating must self-isolate and not return to work until cleared to do so by the public health officials (8-1-1).


Members returning to British Columbia from outside Canada must self-isolate and monitor for symptoms for 14 days after their return.  Returning traveller's who develop COVID-19 symptoms during the period of self-isolation are required to self-isolate for a further period of 10 days after the onset of symptoms, or until symptoms resolve, whichever is later.


Members who are self-isolating should stay in regular contact with the Owners regarding the ongoing status of their condition.


d. Returning to Work After Self-Isolation

Members who are self-isolating are not to return to work until: 


  1. they are cleared to do so by public health officials (8-1-1),

  2. they have notified the Owners that they have received the required clearance, and

  3. the Owners have approved their return to work.

Mental well-being during COVID-19

Firm Members may be affected by the anxiety and uncertainty created by the COVID-19 outbreak. It’s important to remember that mental health is just as important as physical health, and to take measures to support mental well-being. The BCCDC and WorkSafeBC have posted links to resources that can assist with maintaining mental health in the workplace during this time. 


The links can be found here:


BC Centre for Disease Control: Mental well-being during COVID-19

WorkSafe BC: Protecting mental health 


Firm Specific Safety Protocols

Working Remotely

  • Members will work from home whenever possible, office & co-working space will be unavailable until further notice.

  • Members working from home will be provided with advice and assistance concerning workspace ergonomics.

  • Regular check-ins will occur.

  • Members working from home are reminded to follow the “Memo – Working Remotely” attached as Appendix “A”.

Symptom Free Confirmation Prior to Attending Client Locations


  • Prior to attending any client locations on any given day, a Member who has pre-scheduled their attendance must confirm using the self-checklist in the section “Health Hazards of COVID-19 – Symptoms” that they are currently symptom free.

Client Location Policies

  • All Members are REQUIRED to use a mask that covers their mouth and nose at all time while on location.

  • Members must comply with tape or other markings on the ground and any other directions that they may be given with respect to social distancing procedures and any other COVID-19 location requirements.

  • Members shall use hand sanitizer prior to entering client locations, after using any client facility, and upon return to your vehicle; if you are running out of sanitizer please contact the Owners and they will provide some for you.

  • Equipment should be cleaned at least once daily.

  • Members should limit personal belongings taken into another workplace



  • Members must follow all public health directions concerning personal or business-related travel.

  • Travel means visiting a location outside Metro Vancouver, the Sea to Sky Corridor or the Fraser Valley.


Record Keeping

The Owners will keep relevant records such as records of customer locations attended, remote work, reported symptoms, self-isolation etc. Privacy obligations will be respected concerning this information.

Annual Review

This Safety Plan will be reviewed regularly and at least annually.

Published: December 1, 2020


APPENDIX A: Working Remotely

Guidelines for Working Remotely during the COVID-19 Pandemic

  1. Hours of work: While working from home, you are expected to work your normal hours (unless otherwise agreed). You should take breaks as usual.

  2. Client Confidentiality: To the greatest extent possible, please try to work in a location in your residence which is quiet and where you will not be overheard by family members or other persons in your home. Do not leave your computer unattended in a place where others can access it. Please do not print anything. Do not take physical client files home.

  3. Physical Space: Set up your workstation with proper ergonomics in mind. You must follow safe work practices.

  4. Health Precautions: Just like at work, please keep washing your hands regularly, avoid touching your face, disinfect high contact surfaces frequently, eat a balanced diet, and get adequate rest.

  5. Sickness: If you become ill and unable to work for any reason, please notify the Owners immediately.

Statement of Purpose
Plan Development
Health Hazards
Reducing Risk
Workplace Responsibilities
General Saftey Protocols
Focal Point Saftey Protocols
Record Keeping
Working Remotly

Support Hours


Booking, Billing and Administrative support services are available Monday to Saturday, 9:00am - 7:00pm, PST.

Service Hours


Photography, Videography, and all other services are available 7 days a week.

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Phone: 604.842.7742

© Focal Point Photography Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy. All pricing is quoted before applicable taxes. 

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